• What does StopIRGC do?
    We receive tips on potential members or associates of the Islamist Revolution Guard Corps and other organizations associated with the current regime in Iran, including their presence or attempted presence in Canada as well as their terrorist and other criminal activity. After reviewing the evidence, we prepare reports for Canadian law enforcement agencies, particularly Canadian police and border services.
  • What are the goals of StopIRGC?
    Our goals are to prevent entry of IRGC and Islamic Republic members and associates from entry to Canada, to cancel their Canadian immigration status, and to prosecute them in Canada where applicable.
  • Is StopIRGC affiliated with any group?
    No. We are an independent group of volunteers and volunteer lawyers with no links to any other group.
  • Does StopIRGC receive funding from any third party or organization?
    No. StopIRGC receives no funding from any party.
  • Does StopIRGC publish individual names of potential regime members and criminals?
    No. Currently, StopIRGC does not engage in journalistic work, and only sends the information about potential theocratic regime members, associates and criminals to Canadian law enforcement agencies.
  • Is StopIRGC looking for volunteers?
    Yes. You can apply through this link: Volunteer application
  • Has StopIRGC ever appeared in the media?
    Yes, seen in the following links: Media Coverage
  • Has StopIRGC ever thrown any public events?
    Yes, look at these links to our past event: Events
  • Does StopIRGC believe the IRGC should be designated a terrorist entity in Canada?
    Yes. See our position and why through our event youtube video: Video
  • How can I get more information about StopIRGC?
    See the youtube video about our organization which gives details about what we do as well as sample cases we have worked on: Video