2024 Annual Report

January 20, 2025

StopIRGC was established in October 2022. We are still here, and we are not going anywhere. Through a public event in October 2023, we explained our mandate and provided information about our work up to that date. A summary of our continued work follows below.
Cases in 2022-2023
For a break down of our cases prior to 2024 and how we categorize the tips and information we receive from the public, you can also visit our media page for further details.
Cases in 2024
Since our public event in October 2023, we have received another 86 new cases – and continue to receive more as this report is being drafted. This brings the total of our cases to 376 by the end of 2024. Our assessment of our cases is ongoing. Currently, we assess that 80 of the new 86 cases of our current cases involve direct association to either IRGC, or other Islamic Republic’s state and governmental apparatus. Majority of this new inventory are non-Citizens (temporary residents or permanent residents). Only 10% of the new cases seem to be Canadian Citizens, which illustrates that Canada is still issuing visas to regime officials and affiliates without subjecting them to adequate screening before admission to Canada. While our investigation and research regarding these cases continue, our preliminary assessment is that the majority of our 2024 cases involve security issues. We have already marked 43 cases as potential security related reports; 13 as potential financial crimes, and the rest as other (or to be determined). Most of our reports have been submitted to the RCMP, CSIS and CBSA. We have established good contacts with Canadian law enforcement agencies, and we are grateful for their service in our shared goal of making Canada safe again for Canadians. Authorities will make their own assessment(s), investigation(s) and will then act in accordance with their own criteria and resources. To safeguard the integrity of our own principles at StopIRGC, in addition to the integrity of any official investigation and/or legal process in Canada, our general policy is to neither make our data public nor to publish our reports publicly.
Number of cases reported (2022-2024)
To date, StopIRGC has submitted 89 substantive reports to at least one relevant law enforcement or other organ of Canada’s government.